Many ways to connect
Small groups are among the best ways of getting connected to people. Our church family provides a number of opportunities for all ages to get involved. Please contact the church office if you would like more information or to join one of our groups
Young Families’ Group – September to May. Our Young Families’ group normally meets monthly Sunday evenings at the church to discuss family-related issues, share great food, pray for one another, and laugh! Childcare is provided.
Women’s Bible Study Group – October to May
Our Women’s Bible Study Group meets Wednesday mornings at the church. All women are welcome to come out, discuss scriptures, and and enjoy time together.
Men’s Bible Study Group – October to May
Our Men’s Bible Study Group normally meet’s bi-weekly at the church Saturday mornings for breakfast, discussion and fellowship. All men are welcome.
Senior Single Women’s’ Group – September to June
Our Senior Single Women’s’ Group normally gathers monthly Wednesday afternoons at various locations for afternoon tea and crafting.
Prayer Group – Year round
Our Prayer Group meets on Tuesday evenings to pray for concerns in our church, in our community, and in the world.
Lunch Bunch – September to May (except December)
Our seniors normally meet on the last Friday of each month for lunch and a social time, various presentations, and topics of interest.
Trek – Kids’ Club – September to June
For kids ages 4 to 12, join us for Trek, our Friday evening kids club program. We meet at the church most weeks to sing, learn sign language, activities, games, stories and crafts. Once a month, we have a special family event.
Junior High Youth Group – September to June
For youth in grades 6 through 8, join us Thursday evenings for fun activities and special outings around Winnipeg.
Senior High Youth Group – September to June
For youth in grades 9 through 12, join us Tuesday evenings for fun activities and special outings around Winnipeg.
Young Adults’ Group – September to May
For young adults, we meet Sunday evenings for discussion and activities.
Adult Ministries – September to May
Please contact the office for the latest on social get-togethers, small home groups, and service opportunities.
Interested in joining a group? Let’s connect.