Together we serve


Charleswood Community Church is elder-led and staff-operated, committed to empowering our congregation. Our gifted staff is supported and held accountable by a Board of Elders whose purpose is to provide spiritual and governance oversight.


Gavin Hall

Gavin’s passion is to teach God’s story faithfully and creatively. After serving as both youth and associate pastor, he became the lead pastor in July 2012. Pursuing graduate studies in theology has taken him from Manitoba to North Carolina, Toronto and finally back to Winnipeg. Gavin is blessed to be married to Becky; they have three children, Abbey, Ethan, and Cassidy. 



Desi Lederer

Desi has been overseeing the Charleswood Children’s and Youth Ministries for the past seven years. He loves working alongside our students from preschool age seeing them all the way through to becoming high school seniors, teaching, and equipping them to build a lifelong relationship with Jesus. He’s a big kid at heart, so having the position with all the crazy games, entertainment and snacks seems like the perfect fit!



Becky Hall

Becky has been playing piano and singing in church from the time she was a young girl and has found that it’s not only a meaningful way to contribute to the local church and community, but also to her vocational calling. It has been said, “where words fail, music speaks” and in the case of worship music, our words joined to music, provide language and connection to God and one another. In her spare time, Becky loves to read, have breakfast with friends, and ride her bike on the Harte Trail. 



Pamela Friedrich

Pamela felt called to serve the Lord in Kids' Ministries from the first day she began attending Charleswood Community Church.  She brings her ideas, energy, and enthusiasm to all three branches of Trek; Friday night kids' ministry, the Family Fun and Fellowship events, and the summer VBS. She enjoys every moment of serving and leading in these ministries and being on staff at Charleswood Community Church.  These are some of Pamela's greatest joys along with being a mother to her son Evan, a wife to her husband Darrell, and an American Sign Language Interpreter by profession.



Jill feels that she’s “Blessed to be here!” Blessed to be a part of Charleswood Community Church, to be a wife to Aaron, mother of Jacob and Gianna and to be able to work in this role among such wonderful co-workers and church family. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jill.


Jonas Dobis, Chair

Murray Taylor

Vince Friesen

Gavin Hall

Daniel Lavoie

Luke Cain