Join in the fun!
We hold special events for members and guests throughout the year. It’s a great way to connect with the community, build friendships and celebrate! All are welcome! See below for upcoming special events and click here to view our full schedule calendar that includes regular service dates.
9am Potluck & 10am Service
Please RSVP below or in The Commons at the Church -
Sunday April 13th - during the service
Please see Pastor Gavin or email him below -
Sunday Mornings 9am
Ages 16-25
Led by Pastor Gavin -
Easter Weekend Flower Workshop
Please RSVP in the Commons or contact Jill in the office at office@charleswood.ca to book your spot!
Beginning Wednesday February 5th
Charleswood Community Church
930am-1130am - All are welcome! -
Join us at the Church in the Fireside room for Lunch Bunch! Friday March 28th at 12pm.
RSVP below or in the commons
Every Second Saturday at the Church.
Men’s Study DatesSaturday April 5
Saturday April 19Saturday May 3
Saturday May 17
Saturday May 31Saturday June 14
Saturday June 28
All are welcome! -
How did Jesus feed over 5, 000 people? We'll learn about that tonight and sing, dance, play a game, eat a yummy snack, create a craft, listen to 1 of the kids present their 'Show and Tell' and so much more!
If you have any questions please
call/text at 204-226-0521. -
Adult Sunday School
Exploring the Bible Discussion Group
Sundays 9am -
Hey walkers!
Heidi and Linda are starting a Walkers Club. Anyone’s welcome to join us Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9am on the Harte Trail, where it intersects with Dale Blvd.
We’ll walk to Harstone Road and back which takes about an hour, you’re welcome to turnaround sooner or join in at any point. There’s ample parking on Dale Blvd. Strollers, wagons and walkers are welcome! Bring a friend or neighbour! Contact Linda or Heidi for more information, or with any questions you have!

Fall Kick-Off Potluck Breakfast
Come and enjoy breakfast together as we launch our fall programs. Everyone is welcome. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Lava Lava Luau Vacation Bible School
For all kids ages 3-10. We're hosting a VBS July 4, 5, and 6. It will start each day at 9:00 am and pick up will be at 3:00 pm. Two snacks will be provided. Please bring a bagged lunch, and water bottle. Click here to receive further information and registration material. If you have questions, please contact Pamela Friesen.

Family Fun Day / BBQ at the Nature Playground
We will meet at the picnic shelter at 1 for a BBQ. We are celebrating the end of another great Trek season. Click here to RSVP so we know how many to prepare for. Contact Pamela Friedrich if you have any questions.

Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
This is our opportunity to say THANK YOU to all who serve so faithful at our church! Lunch is provided. Please RSVP to the church office so we know how many to prepare for.

The Chosen Watch Party
Join us Sunday evenings as we watch The Chosen together. The video is about an hour and then there is a short discussion time afterwards.

Grad Sunday
May 28th is Grad Sunday. Join us during the worship service as we honour the achievements of our 2023 high school and post secondary graduates. Cake will be served after the service.

Family Day at Oak Hammock Marsh
Family Fun Day is at Oak Hammock Marsh this month. Please RSVP before Thursday May 4 as we have to let them know how many are coming at that time. Let's meet at the front at 11:00 am. There will be two fun programs. One from 11:00-12:00 and the other from 1:00-2:00. Please bring a picnic lunch for you and your family. We can all eat together on the grounds of this beautiful marsh. If it's raining, we'll have a room indoors where we can eat. This event will happen rain or shine as there are indoor activities if the weather doesn't cooperate. Cost is $5.00 per person, children 2 and under: free. Contact Pamela Friesen to RSVP.

Trek - Flying Squirrel
We're going to Flying Squirrel! This should be a really fun night. Please arrive about 10 to 15 minutes early so we can get the kids signed in and ready to jump at 6:30. Also, if you go online at flyingsquirrelsports.ca , you can fill out the waiver so you don't have to do it when we get there. Cost is $10. Please pay Pamela Friedrich on Friday or before. If you have Flying Squirrel or Sky Zone socks please bring them as well as a reusable water bottle as they don't allow any other drinks or snacks. We will purchase a drink after we jump so we can cool down. RSVP. Contact Pamela Friedrich for more information.

Family Fun Day - Winnipeg Aviation Museum
Family Fun Day is at the new Winnipeg Aviation Museum. Let’s meet at the front doors at 1 pm on April 29th. The address is 2088 Wellington Ave. We’ll have aguided tour of the facilities and the kids can sit in a plane. cost: Adults: $10, Kids $5, Children 2 and under: free. RSVP

Easter Sunday Worship Service
Join us Easter Sunday as we celebrate our risen Saviour! For those who cannot join us in person, we will be livestreaming the Easter service.

Easter Weekend Flower Arranging Workshop
Join us as we design a spring-themed table centrepiece! (No floral experience required) Cost $20 - register by March 26. Contact the office to register

Good Friday Potluck Breakfast and Service
Join us for our Good Friday potluck breakfast and worship service. Please bring a dish to share. A separate program will be available for children during the service.

Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday is the beginning of the Easter weekend and commemorates Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before his crucifixion. Please join us for our Maundy Thursday worship service, with communion and footwashing.

Lunch Bunch (55+)
Everyone 55 and over is invited to join us for lunch. Following the lunch we will hear a presentation by Allan and Myrna Ronald about their recent trip to Beacon of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya. RSVP to the church office so we know how many to prepare for.

Family Movie Night
Let’s get together and watch Puss ‘n Boots! Invite your neighbours, friends, and family members. The more the merrier! Kids can wear their PJs, bring their favourite stuffy, and snuggly blanket. We’ll have popcorn and slushies. There will be a door prize at the end of the night. Hope you can make it! RSVP

Potluck Lunch & Annual Congregational Meeting
Plan to join us on Sunday, March 5th for a potluck lunch after the worship service, followed by our Annual Congregational Meeting. Come and hear how God has been working at Charleswood Community Church in the past year. Everyone who considers Charleswood Community Church their church home is invited. Childcare is provided during the meeting.

Family Day at the Snow Maze
Let’s have some fun together exploring the world’s largest snow maze! We’ll meet at 1 pm on Saturday, February 18 at the front doors. Dress warmly! Adults (ages 13 and up) $10, Kids (6-12) $5, Children (5 and under) free. RSVP to Pamela Friedrich.

Cottonwood Trails
Join us and see our furry friends come to life, as we hear from our talented children's speaker Jordan Evans. Jordan will be joining us in Kids Quest for the next 5 weeks as he shares with us stories from the Bible, along with many exciting Tails from Cottonwood Trails!

Family Fun Day
We will meet at 12:00 noon for a potluck at Megan Carter's home. We'll then go across the street to Woodhaven hill to sled and skate. Please bring a dish to share and your skates and sleds. Dress warmly for the weather. Please RSVP to Pamela Friedrich so we know who's coming.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Afterwards, everyone is welcome to stay for hot apple cider and fellowship.

Christmas Road Trip
During the 10:30 worship service there will be a special presentation of Christmas Road Trip: The Journey of a Lifetime. Please join us for our kids’ Christmas program.

Christmas Caroling
We’re having a community caroling evening and everyone is invited. We’ll go caroling around the Charleswood neighbourhood and then head back to the church for Christmas cookies and hot chocolate. RSVP to Pamela Friedrich so she knows how many to set up for.

Stonewall Christmas Parade
Let's enjoy a real CHRISTmas parade in Stonewall. The parade starts at 7:00 and travels down the main street. Find a spot on the street where you can see and we'll meet afterwards at the Tim Horton's for hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. Tim Horton's is at 2nd Ave. North. It should be a fun, festive way to start off the Christmas season! Please RSVP to Pamela Friedrich so we know who's coming.

Family Advent Night
Charleswood families come on out to our Family Advent Night. It'll be full of fun, games, songs and laughter. Dinner is included. We look forward to celebrating with you!! RSVP below so we know how many to prepare for.

Reliance Worship
The Reliance Worship Team is a group of youth from Faith Bible Camp who are starting monthly worship nights. Their first worship night will be at our church on October 23rd.

Family Fun Day at Amazin Corn
Let's get lost in the corn maze! Please meet at the entrance of Amazin' Corn at 1:00. We'll have a campfire and delicious smores. Dress for the weather. Cost: Adults $10, Children $5, Kids under 3 are free. RSVP to Pamela Friedrich.

Hymn Sing
Join us Sunday, October 2nd at 6 pm for our second annual Fall Hymn Sing! Weather permitting we will be outside around the fire, so plan to bring your lawn chairs. Invite a hymn-loving friend!

Family Day at Winnipeg Zoo
We are kicking off our Trek year with a fun-filled afternoon at the zoo. Even if you didn’t RSVP in time to pre-purchase tickets, we’d love you to join us - you can just pay at the gate. RSVP to Pamela Friedrich.

Fall Kick-off Potluck Breakfast
Everyone is welcome! Come and enjoy breakfast together as we launch our fall programs. Following the breakfast, the children will go downstairs for some activities while the adults will remain upstairs to hear about plans for the upcoming year.

Join us at Faith Bible Camp on August 31st at 10 a.m. for a fun-filled day of food, games, beach fun, and even a campfire!
No charge and everyone is welcome! RSVP to the church office so we can be ready to have a great day with YOU!
Have more questions about an event or want to get involved? Let’s connect!